Carozona Girl

Hello name is Kim Engle. I work from home and am a busy wife and mother of two boys, Tyler & Trevor. My blog includes my current bible study and some of my favorite food blogs as well. I am a Christian foodie, who knew. I grew up in the glorious South in South Carolina and currently make my humble abode in Arizona. We love to do lots of outdoorsy things like hiking, ziplining, fishing, cooking, reading, tennis, karate, going to the lake and hanging out with our friends.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Unglued Ch. 4 What kind of Unglued am I?

What an amazing chapter!!  I think I highlighted everything in this chapter.  I found myself, like Lysa, I fit into all 4 categories.  It is so true that we are a different kind of unglued person based on the person involved.  What I find interesting about myself is that I feel I've got to tell someone about my unglued moments...I think I need to do less of that, and more of just blogging or journaling it out.  Since I work from home, I don't interact with as many people as one would going into an office or workplace setting.  And, I am the type of person who needs people interaction to stay sane.  :)  I am on the phone a lot during my work, but it isn't the same as physical interaction with people.  I think the journaling or blogging works better for me.  If I come unglued using the stuffer method, I don't have to then go "unstuff" it onto someone else using the exploder method.  Boy, do I need help or what?!

I can so relate to Lysa's section of the Exploder who Blames first, I thought, no that isn't me...I don't blame others, that's my husband (LOL)!  There I go...blaming others already.  Then, Lysa described her morning with the kids, and I can't tell you how much I laughed and could so relate to this story!!  I think I'm going to have my "shine-my-mommy" halo day, and it ends up like a noose around my neck moments later.  Heck yeah!!  That is me too.  Then, you end up telling your kids if they had only done this or that, then  mommy wouldn't have blown up.  I thought it was just me, and I'm never getting out of this whirlwind spiral of emotions that enslave I can't wait to read more, so I can get out of this mess of raw emotions.

What I take away is the Soul Integrity...I long for this.  I have to read this section over and over to really get it in my head.  Truth and godliness walk hand in hand, and you can't divorce one from another.  I'm glad we have some more days before reading on, so I can really marinate in Chapter 4, especially the soul integrity part.  Bulletpoints I'm focusing on this week:

  • The tell-tale sign of an exploder, is not the decibel level.
  • Soul integrity is honesty that is godly. It brings the passion of the exploder and the peacemaking of the stuffer under the authority of Jesus.
  • Soul integrity means watching our words - oh God chisel this off of me!  I can't do this part, only you can!!  
  • Self effort alone cannot tame the tongue and our raw emotions that run wild. Out of the same mouth come cursing and praise!  I need some spiritual duct tape.
  • Our words must be spoken in humility that comes from wisdom.

My prayer:  God, show me all the ways that I am an exploder and a stuffer, and chisel me.  I pray that I have honesty that is godly and show me how to develop soul integrity.  Lord, guard my tongue, may I only speak words that are glorifying to you God.  May I speak in humility and grant me your wisdom oh God.  Teach me this Lord, in your name I pray...amen.

Duct tape photo from:


  1. I think I need a couple of rolls of duct tape before i rread chapter 4. After reading what you posted ai cant wait to read it.

  2. I am going to re-read it too Laina...really need to soak in more of chapter 4...I am sure I will be learning something new I didn't the first time.
